TEAS S.A., Technical Applications S.A., is a Contractor and Engineering Consulting firm founded in 2000. Since its establishment, TEAS has been successfully involved in a wide range of Private Sector (mainly) Construction Projects such as stores, residences, offices, Renewable Energy and others. Apart from Greece, TEAS has an important international presence with projects in Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania and USA. TEAS is certified complying with Quality and Environmental management standards and has also developed a CRS strategy.


TEAS S.A., Technical Applications
S.A., is a Contractor and Engineering
Consulting firm founded in 2000.
Since its establishment, TEAS has been
successfully involved in a wide range
of Private Sector (mainly)
Construction Projects such as stores,
residences, offices, Renewable Energy
and others.
Apart from Greece, TEAS has an
important international presence with
projects in Africa, Asia, Europe,
Oceania and USA,
TEAS is a certified  company
complying with Quality and
Environmental management
standards and also developed a CRS

TEAS S.A., Technical Applications S.A., is a Contractor and Engineering Consulting firm founded in 2000. Since its establishment, TEAS has been successfully involved in a wide range of Private Sector (mainly) Construction Projects such as stores, residences, offices, Renewable Energy and others. Apart from Greece, TEAS has an important international presence with projects in Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania and USA, TEAS is a certified  company complying with Quality and Environmental management standards and also developed a CSR strategy.

TEAS S.A. (Technical Applications S.A.) is a Contractor and Engineering Consulting firm founded in 2000. Since its establishment, TEAS S.A. has been successfully involved in a wide range of Private Sector (mainly) Construction Projects such as stores, residences, offices, Renewable Energy and others. Apart from Greece, TEAS has an important international presence with projects in Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania and USA, From 2010 onwards, TEAS has established foreign subsidiaries in China, Australia and the US TEAS is a certified  company complying with Quality and Environmental management standards and also developed a <a href="?page_id=6136/#csr">CSR</a> strategy.

CSR Corporate Social Responsibility is an integral part of TEAS strategic plan. We always act considering the balance between the project’s completion and the interaction with the community and the environment. For this purpose, we develop strategies within the company and in construction sites focusing in the environmental and social sustainability.